i could not find any informations relate to table ACT_HI_JOB_LOG. Since the process engine constantly excutes different operations on this table in database. It can fastly exhaust the database. Does the process engine need datas in this table for its operation or this table only serves as archive table? If this table is not neccessary for the operation of process engine, is there any way i can configure process engine to keep only fresh datas (for example: only datas in the last 3 days) and move the old datas to some kind of archive table? Thank you in advance
you can find information about history levels and entries in the user guide.
History data is only used for auditing use cases and not required for any runtime operations. For example the Camunda cockpit uses history data for specific information. If you do not need all the history information you can decrease the history level or disable it completely (see also the user guide).