Is there a way to attach an arbitrary pointer/context to a ProcessEngine instance running as a Standalone instance integrated with my app as a lib such that I can retrieve it from a DelegateExecution? I have an object representing my application config/state that:
I need when a DelegateExecution is invoked
I have when I setup the Camunda environment.
I was looking at the various options in the Context object, but it was unclear to me which, if any, of the options were appropriate for me. Guidance appreciated.
Why do you want to accomplish this via camunda? I don’t know how you create your application but if it’s created using spring you can e.g. use the usual spring properties / configuration feature.
The problem I am facing can be described like this:
Say my application has state which consists of a reference to the camunda engine, and a kafka client. Certain JavaDelegate operations may need to send Kafka events. So what im trying to do is initialize my system such that whenever Camunda fires a JavaDelegate::execute() call, I can acquire my app state somehow so that I may access the Kafka context.