Assign group to start the process

Hi i want a specific group to start the process

then after submitting i want it to be assigned in another group

i have created form using modeler
i tried assigning the task to the assignee section in various formats but nothing makes it work like,${name},{name},name

Hi @Parth_Datwani,

To assign any user task to a particular group, you have to put the group id in the candidate groups section, not in the assignee.


You can directly put the name. In case you are using expression language like ${name}, in this case, the name should be an instance variable holding the value/group name

You can check the group id in the Group Pane-> List of Groups(Under Admin Section).


Hi so case is i want to create a select field with all tge users in a group and when i select the user and hit submit i want next task assigned to that user. But i am not successful in fining a solution if u can help??

Hi @Parth_Datwani,

If your are looking to use the html embedded forms then below post might be of help to you.

hi @hassang. Firstly thank You for replying

My updated issue is. I want to create a select field of users in a group. then select one of the user and assign the next task to him. i am open to use html or java just don’t know how as I have no background what so ever