We are migrating from Activiti version 7.0.0 to Camunda - Spring + Cockpit (BPM 7.10)
One of our old endpoints was responsible for taking a list of user Ids and assigning them to the given process instance id like so.
public void addInvolvedUsersToProcess(List<String> involvedUsers, String workflowProcessId) {
involvedUsers.forEach(userId ->
runtimeService.addUserIdentityLink(workflowProcessId, userId, IdentityLinkType.PARTICIPANT)
I am trying to do the same with Camunda but there isn’t a method for addUserIdentityLink
in the RuntimeService interface.
How can I add list of involved users to a process instance with Camunda?
The reason I need this is so we can query at a later stage for users who are involved but do not have an active task currently.