Avoid variable creation in multi instance call activity

Hi there,

I have a MultiInstance - CallActivity, which works on the collection “customers”. The ElementVariable containing the single customers is called “customerId”.

This works fine, BUT: upon call, this MultiInstance - CallActivity creates a number of different process variables, all by the name of “customerId”, which are all continuously kept and dragged along for the rest of the process.

It is irritating to me that this is even possible (multiple process variables all with the same name) and it seems quite bad to me, since this really just creates a crazy amount of unecessary data that clutters up the cockpit-view.

Note that these variables are not created on “return” of the called activities (as output).
How can I make them “go away”? I don’t need them at all, but there seems to be no way of making them transient in the modeler.

Thanks in advance,

Hi @Ben_F,

Could you please share your model…

Hi @Ben_F,

It seems you missed ticking the “Local” checkbox for your In mapping.
You can try the attached simplified running example

multi-instance-call-activity-process.bpmn (3.7 KB)
test-process.bpmn (2.2 KB)