Getting Started with camunda BPM

Hi i am new here . I just followed the steps mentioned here. and installed JDK version jdk-8u111-windows-x64 on my machine .
Then as suggested in the above link i executed the script named start-camunda.bat . But nothing came except a blank page on chrome with message


What is the problem .? Should i wanna configure or do something with that tomcat…? I just installed jdk on my machine and started executing the start-camunda.bat file . What am i missing ?

It can sometimes to a few second for Camunda to start up - if you wait for the container to finish starting and refresh the page in chrome you should see the start page.

If not - you could take a look at the container’s logs and post any errors that are showing up.

at which path container log will be stored …?? and it shows in cmd file as neither the JAVA_HOME not JRE_HOME environment variable is defined… How to define these variables…?

you can follow the instructions here:

Thanks Niali It worked .!