Bug ? process started once when deploying spring embedded process engine

Hi, I just used the following example: https://github.com/camunda/camunda-bpm-examples/tree/master/deployment/embedded-spring-rest

It works but it seems to me that when deploying the web app a process instance is created somehow automatically, is that normal ? It seems to always have the process instance id = 4.

Here is the step-by-step:

  • Start Tomcat
  • Deploy the war file using the app manager
  • get : http://localhost:8080/camunda-quickstart-embedded-spring-rest-1.0-SNAPSHOT/engine/default/history/process-instance
    “id”: “4”,
    “businessKey”: null,
    “processDefinitionId”: “loanApproval:1:3”,
    “processDefinitionKey”: “loanApproval”,
    “processDefinitionName”: “Loan Approval”,
    “processDefinitionVersion”: 1,
    “startTime”: “2018-11-12T22:47:20.069+0100”,
    “endTime”: “2018-11-12T22:47:20.097+0100”,
    “durationInMillis”: 28,
    “startUserId”: null,
    “startActivityId”: “StartEvent_1”,
    “deleteReason”: null,
    “superProcessInstanceId”: null,
    “superCaseInstanceId”: null,
    “caseInstanceId”: null,
    “tenantId”: null,
    “state”: “COMPLETED”

Same symptom when deploying the war file in tomcat web apps directory and starting the server.

Is that normal or is that a bug ?

i’d say yes because of https://github.com/camunda/camunda-bpm-examples/blob/752574b4947fbb1e20757ac6b97b99b0cee65061/deployment/embedded-spring-rest/src/main/java/org/camunda/bpm/example/loanapproval/Starter.java#L13


Indeed !

Thx a lot :slight_smile: