Camunda 7 Debugging

Hello, can someone explain to me how to start the application up and debug the working flow ? I cloned the application from here:
And I want to debug the application, I don’t want to run the tests, I built the application with no errors with mvn clean install and build and then when |I want to start the application I get the error like not specified database or driver but that is running the tests i want to run the engine.

Hi @Jovan_Stojcev,

Welcome to the forum!

What exactly do you want to test? The Camunda Run distrobution or a single JUnit test?
Camunda Run can be debug like follows:

  1. Open distro_path/internal/run.bat or .sh for unix based OS
  2. Find call "%JAVA%" -Dloader.path="%classPath%" -Dcamunda.deploymentDir="%DEPLOYMENTDIR%" %JAVA_OPTS% -jar "%BASEDIR%camunda-bpm-run-core.jar" --spring.config.location=file:"%configuration%" line
  3. Add -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8081,suspend=y
  4. Then from your IDE you can then remote debug on port 8081.

I hope that helps.
