Camunda camel + spring boot

I am setting up an example application with camunda 7.12, the camunda spring boot starter and camunda-bpm-camel-spring 0.7.0 (with camel 3.2.0).
The only example I found for setting up camel with camunda is based on cdi/jboss.

My problem: the camunda component is not initialized correctly, thus my route:

        .description("starts an instance of process_dummy every second")
        .process { e -> e.getIn().body = "Hello Camel!" }

fails with “camunda-bpm” not found.

Do you have an example with camunda and spring boot? Or could you point me in the right direction?

My (failing) example app is here:


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Hey Jan!

I am a bit limited in time to look into this right now, sorry. But there is definitely a Spring integration working, probably this test can lead you: However, there is no specific Spring Boot support available at the moment and as far as I remember I have never tried that so far.


Thanks Bernd … the problem is not that the camunda component is not working or not working with spring … it is not automatically recognized and initialized when using camunda-camel-spring in combination with camel-spring-boot-starter … maybe there is something missing in the extension then.

As you know, spring boot is an important use case for me, so I will take the libertry to open an issue and provide a non working example. I guess it would be best to have a camunda-camel-spring-boot-starter to simplify this usage.

Happy to accept a working pull request :slight_smile: