Camunda CMMN repeatable with enablement condition issue

Hi Camunda Team,

I am using the camunda version 7.17.0 and I am using the cmmn and facing an issue there…
I have modelled a simple application where I have a stage with two HumanTasks and a GlobalTask. Screenshot for quick glance what it looks like.

GlobalHT and Local-HT Task- Rules are as in below screenshot

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cmmn:definitions xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cmmndi="" xmlns:cmmn="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:camunda="" id="Definitions_0dp6nl8" targetNamespace="" exporter="Camunda Modeler" exporterVersion="5.5.1">
  <cmmn:case id="Case_0dbsp1l">
    <cmmn:casePlanModel id="CasePlanModel_14jyxc2" name="A CasePlanModel">
      <cmmn:planItem id="PlanItem_1nw68od" definitionRef="Stage_1n1dg7l" />
      <cmmn:planItem id="PlanItem_08yp0i2" name="GlobalHT" definitionRef="HumanTask_1g5y9k2">
        <cmmn:itemControl id="PlanItemControl_07qncex">
          <cmmn:repetitionRule id="RepetitionRule_0uhs539">
            <cmmn:condition id="Expression_0tamte8">${repeatGlobalHT == "yes"}</cmmn:condition>
          <cmmn:requiredRule id="RequiredRule_0982v0w">
            <cmmn:condition id="Expression_14mto5h">${true}</cmmn:condition>
          <cmmn:manualActivationRule id="ManualActivationRule_1y5a68r">
            <cmmn:condition id="Expression_1ws8n3c">${true}</cmmn:condition>
      <cmmn:stage id="Stage_1n1dg7l" name="Stage">
        <cmmn:planItem id="PlanItem_1" name="Local-HT" definitionRef="HumanTask_01kvcnj">
          <cmmn:itemControl id="PlanItemControl_03vjozy">
            <cmmn:repetitionRule id="RepetitionRule_1jz2qba">
              <cmmn:condition id="Expression_1b3ya04">${ repeatLocalHT == "yes"}</cmmn:condition>
            <cmmn:requiredRule id="RequiredRule_011k3mx">
              <cmmn:condition id="Expression_0cjf23r">${true}</cmmn:condition>
            <cmmn:manualActivationRule id="ManualActivationRule_1227629">
              <cmmn:condition id="Expression_1cp5tob">${true}</cmmn:condition>
          <cmmn:entryCriterion id="EntryCriterion_0rnnijo" sentryRef="Sentry_1ujjh6n" />
        <cmmn:planItem id="PlanItem_1ama38j" name="NoRepeatHT" definitionRef="HumanTask_0wifud5">
          <cmmn:itemControl id="PlanItemControl_0dwobj1">
            <cmmn:requiredRule id="RequiredRule_1fcbuz1">
              <cmmn:condition id="Expression_10t1dmv">${true}</cmmn:condition>
            <cmmn:manualActivationRule id="ManualActivationRule_0inafpb">
              <cmmn:condition id="Expression_0c3ml9i">${true}</cmmn:condition>
        <cmmn:sentry id="Sentry_1ujjh6n">
          <cmmn:ifPart id="IfPart_0w9078i">
            <cmmn:condition id="Expression_0wa3ry1">${activate == "yes"}</cmmn:condition>
        <cmmn:humanTask id="HumanTask_01kvcnj" camunda:assignee="demo" />
        <cmmn:humanTask id="HumanTask_0wifud5" camunda:assignee="demo" />
      <cmmn:humanTask id="HumanTask_1g5y9k2" camunda:assignee="demo" />
    <cmmndi:CMMNDiagram id="CMMNDiagram_11gvpme">
      <cmmndi:Size width="500" height="500" />
      <cmmndi:CMMNShape id="DI_CasePlanModel_14jyxc2" cmmnElementRef="CasePlanModel_14jyxc2">
        <dc:Bounds x="156" y="99" width="621" height="389" />
        <cmmndi:CMMNLabel />
      <cmmndi:CMMNShape id="PlanItem_1nw68od_di" cmmnElementRef="PlanItem_1nw68od">
        <dc:Bounds x="256" y="238" width="442" height="200" />
        <cmmndi:CMMNLabel />
      <cmmndi:CMMNShape id="PlanItem_17m090p_di" cmmnElementRef="PlanItem_1">
        <dc:Bounds x="282" y="265" width="100" height="80" />
        <cmmndi:CMMNLabel />
      <cmmndi:CMMNShape id="PlanItem_1nr0jnd_di" cmmnElementRef="PlanItem_1ama38j">
        <dc:Bounds x="417" y="265" width="100" height="80" />
        <cmmndi:CMMNLabel />
      <cmmndi:CMMNShape id="PlanItem_1lp7gvg_di" cmmnElementRef="PlanItem_08yp0i2">
        <dc:Bounds x="277" y="125" width="100" height="80" />
        <cmmndi:CMMNLabel />
      <cmmndi:CMMNShape id="EntryCriterion_0rnnijo_di" cmmnElementRef="EntryCriterion_0rnnijo">
        <dc:Bounds x="272" y="286" width="20" height="28" />
        <cmmndi:CMMNLabel />

Above is my CMMN file.

I use the following payload to start the case as my sentry condition are around these variables

 "variables": {
   "repeatLocalHT": {
 	"value": "yes",
 	"type": "String"
   "repeatGlobalHT": {
 	"value": "yes",
 	"type": "String"
 "inputText2": {
 	"value": "yes",
 	"type": "String"
 "activate": {
 	"value": "yes",
 	"type": "String"
 "businessKey": "BK2",
 "withVariablesInReturn": true

repeatLocalHT value is “yes” and hence the enablement Condition of Local-HT gets satisfied and it gets enabled. (All the executions are repeatable, required and manually activated), hence all activities get enabled.

I manually start the GlobalHT and complete it with/without any payload.
With payload I use below payload to complete the GlobalHT but I don’t see any difference

  "variables": {
	"repeatLocalHT": {
  	"value": "no",
  	"type": "String"
	"repeatGlobalHT": {
  	"value": "yes",
  	"type": "String"
  "inputText2": {
  	"value": "false",
  	"type": "String"
  "activate": {
  	"value": "no",
  	"type": "String"

What I notice is … on completing the GlobalHT.
1). The Local-HT gets enabled again (even when its activation condition is not met this time)
2). The GlobalHT does not get enabled at all.(it has no enablement condition hence it should by default get enabled)

Attaching the screenshot of DB after completing GlobalHT

1). Is this expected behaviour that Local-HT is getting enabled even when no value or anyother value is provided in the payload?
2). Why is the GlobalHT not getting enabled by default?

I am new to camunda forum, might have provided incomplete information, please let me know if more info is needed. I am blocked on this issue.