how to define the camunda configuration if i work with postgres and Glassfish !!
Hi @mobarki,
here is some Camunda v.7.5 Glassfish distribution:
May be it can help you to understand, how the app is configured.
hi !!
I work with glassfish 4.1 is it the same configuration ?
Hi @mobarki,
you would have to figure out yourself. We don’t provide Glassfish distribution at the moment, but Camunda engine is very flexible and can be integrated in different environments (Java EE, Spring application, Spring Boot application etc.). This docs can also be useful:
how to configure camunda with j2ee !!
I am a beginner in camunda
Try to check this Getting started guide:
thank you ,
but i work with j2ee ,postgresql,glassfish ,I want exact explanations using "postgresql,J2EE ,Glassfish "for not getting lost because i am a beiginer and I have no time to read all document