Camunda connector query

We are creating some element templates using camunda connector.

We referred to the elementtemplate example in samples.json by the name ‘ConnectorGetTask’.

When we add this , we see one inout attribute also being set and is blank. Please let us know what this signifies?

<camunda:connector inout=“”>
<camunda:inputParameter name=“method”>GET</camunda:inputParameter>
<camunda:inputParameter name=“url”></camunda:inputParameter>
<camunda:outputParameter name=“wsResponse”>
<camunda:script scriptFormat=“freemarker”>${S(response)}</camunda:script>
camunda:connectorIdMy Connector HTTP - GET</camunda:connectorId>

Please advise on the additional attribute, inout <camunda:connector inout="">, being appended with the communda:connector. We are using the modeler version 1.16.2.
