Camunda modeler vs eclipse


As I am completely new to Camunda BPM. And want get enabled myself for an upcoming project. I downloaded the
a) process engine 7.5
b) Process modeler 1.2.2

I want to build my first Camunda BPM environment in my local machine for practicing. I have couple of queries

  1. as per the instruction when i run the start-camunda.bat, i opened the url http://localhost:8080/camunda-welcome/index.html, but it is asking for the username and password. What credentials needs to be given here, i tried my laptop credential but it did not work. Need help here
  2. With process modeler, we can only develop the processes, but for java classes, developing UI and for building and deploying we still need Eclipse correct?. If yes which eclipse needs to be used.


  1. The default login and password is “demo”.
  2. if you happen to use Java classes and/or embedded forms then you’re going to need some kind of IDE. You aren’t required to use eclipse though you can use any one you like.