Camunda performance issues

Hi All,

we are facing performance issues using camunda , our goal was to process over 100k request through camunda which will be around 30requests per second, but we are reaching around 20 request per second.

Camunda + Mysql
heap settings - xms- 2g and xmx-4g
standalone.xml config-

                    <job-acquisition name="default">
                            <property name="lockTimeInMillis">
                            <property name="waitTimeInMillis">
                            <property name="maxJobsPerAcquisition">

and also history set to none.

                <thread-pool name="default">
                    <max-threads count="30"/>
                    <keepalive-time time="100" unit="milliseconds"/>

Server - wildfly-10.1.0
camunda version 7.8

Please let us know if this configuration is fine or do we need to do any changes.

Hi Praveen,

Do you mean some particular request or do you speak in general 30 (whatever) requests per second?

Best regards,

Thanks Yana,
we have sample json request with around 40 fields, we need to process request json on service task Send to external system Orders(API) by calling external API , and wait for updates from external system in MessageRecive task, once it receives message from external API with exact business key , it will continue with the same process from service task Update Order Status from one system to other system (API) we will invoke another external API. in this process we should be able to process around 30+ requests per second.
attached is my process



Have you identified the bottle necks?
Without that everything else is pure speculation.

For example -
How are you measuring the throughput?
Are you referring to process instance creation or process instance completion?
Have you determined the latency on the calls to Orders API?

All these can help understand the context of the problem.

Hope that helps, Conor

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