Camunda Platform 8

Hi Team,
i was trying to deploy Camunda platform8 using helm in our kubernates cluster. using the command below:

helm repo add camunda
** helm install camunda-platform camunda/camunda-platform**

i am getting this error - look like i am not able to pull the images


If you have any steps for installation, please provide

Kindly share the error message. The screenshot you tried sharing didn’t get uploaded I think

Hi Jgeek,
here is error -


Warning Failed 53m (x4 over 72m) kubelet, c360ip-dev4-md-2-6f666574c-bn7vp Failed to pull image “camunda/identity:8.1.6”: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image “”: failed to resolve reference “”: failed to do request: Head "": dial tcp i/o timeout
Warning Failed 8m26s (x5 over 70m) kubelet, c360ip-dev4-md-2-6f666574c-bn7vp Failed to pull image “camunda/identity:8.1.6”: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image “”: failed to resolve reference “”: failed to do request: Head "": dial tcp i/o timeout
Normal BackOff 3m41s (x271 over 73m) kubelet, c360ip-dev4-md-2-6f666574c-bn7vp Back-off pulling image “camunda/identity:8.1.6”
