Camunda postgrey connection

I am trying Camunda 7.6.0 with Java 7.
I tried with postgreysql connection, But not able to connect to postgreysql due to driver mismatch.

I tried the postgrey version 9.4-1204-jdbc41 for java 7. But still not able to connect.

I am getting the error at server log : - Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/postgresql/Driver : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

Can anyone help me in getting the correct driver for java 7 for postgreysql

Hi @SudhirBisht,
“unsupported major.minor version 52” says that you must use java8 and are running in java7 or lower.

According to
9.4-1204-jdbc42 is the driver compiled in java8.
9.4-1204-jdbc41 is the driver compiled in java7.
9.4-1204-jdbc4 is the driver compiled in java6.



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I want to run on java 7 and i tested those drivers…but not working…