@kallmekunal Welcome to the forum, Camunda provides out of the box features like, Persistence Strategy based on the following concepts - Compact Tables, Deadlock Avoidance, Control Savepoints, Intelligent Caching, True Concurrency.
Additionally camunda provides extending the core process engine via process engine plugins to add custom behavior to the engine, so that way you can customize and build the custom process engine.
Below posts will help you in understanding camunda bpm and suitability for your business needs.
Is your business process management suite (BPMS) slowing you down? Migrate to Camunda for lightweight, scalable, and standards-based process automation.
Est. reading time: 6 minutes
For overview of the BPMN 2.0 elements and the current coverage of the process engine: BPMN 2.0 Implementation Reference | docs.camunda.org
you can can configure any number of substeps in camunda.
Refer the below post:
@Mass_Shake you can model a business rule task to make decision on which process need to be invoked before calling the required process from call activity.
Lets say in below example, loanType=“Personal Loan” and customerType=“New” then condition will be evaluated and the resultVariable selectedProcess=“PLNEW” (which is process definitionkey of the bpmn will be invoked)
Refer the attached dmn & bpmn file for reference.
PLNEW.bpmn (2.4 KB) processdecision.dmn (2.4 KB) processSelection.bpmn (…
Refer the below posts:
@Behrouz you can make bpmn model as executable in camunda modeller itself by providing necessary scripts for service tasks if required.
For example, check below links and examples.
validations_example_singe_malt.bpmn (10.3 KB)
Hi @Maysa ,
Database(RDBMS) is prerequisite for camunda application. You can check supported databases and the version compatibility table here:
Extract the code which is only required for process execution flow, incase your process application is shared/container managed or standalone process application.
Another option is, without extracting the code from the business application you can embed the process engine with in the existing application itself.
DMN usage is depends on your busin…
Finally, to setup a camunda spring boot starter, use this builder to create camunda spring boot project:
Yes. you’re in right path. Rest API will do that REST API Reference | docs.camunda.org