Camunda8- production without k8s?

Hello Camunda Community,

I’m preparing to deploy the Camunda 8 platform and have some questions about configuring the Zeebe cluster. I am planning to run Camunda 8 on Docker and build a Zeebe cluster with 3-4 brokers. I am avoiding Kubernetes for the Zeebe StatefulSet as I don’t want to use persistent volumes (PV). Will this setup be functional and efficient?

Additionally, is it possible to run Zeebe brokers outside of the Kubernetes cluster and only have the other components and gateway within the Kubernetes environment? I am exploring this to circumvent the need for PV while still leveraging Kubernetes for other aspects of the system.

I would greatly appreciate any insights, experiences, or recommendations on these configurations to ensure a robust setup for production.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

How is this question different from your other thread?

Even if you run in Docker, you still have to have a Persistent Volume somewhere - that was explained on your other thread.