Camunda8 self managed identity module create tenant using spring boot application and not from identity UI

I use camunda8 self managed setup: Camunda 8 Self-Managed | Camunda 8 Docs
I use self managed identity module:What is Identity? | Camunda 8 Docs
to create tenant, add users assign roles etc…
I am able to perform above using identity UI.
I want to perform above activity using code from a spring boot application. is it possible? can you please help me how can I achieve this from code.

camunda8 provides rest API for web modeller, operate but I am not able to find rest api for identity module to create tenant, add users to identity etc?
is there any way to achieve this from sprint boot application?
or I must do it from identity UI only?

you can use KeyCloak Rest API provided by the product to do all your activities.

Hello @Raj_Kishun_Singh ,

the identity component HAS a rest api, but it is not documented.

Plus, the full feature set of identity will be part of the Camunda REST API starting with 8.7:

Unfortunately, the “tenants” resource is not present in the docs as of now.

For the current setup, you can use the identity-sdk which is somehow the “client” for identity:

It can be configured like this:

    type: KEYCLOAK
    baseUrl: <IDENTITY_URL>
    issuer: <KEYCLOAK URL>
    issuerBackendUrl: <KEYCLOAK URL>
    clientId: <CLIENT ID OF YOUR APP>
    clientSecret: <CLIENT SECRET OF YOUR APP>
    audience: <AUDIENCE OF YOUR APP>

Your app should have access to the identity-resource-server audience by default.

I hope this helps
