Cannot View all the Operation Logs for a Task

I am trying to figure out how to create/find an operation log record for a task

According to following image,

I should be able to see these operation logs for the task.
But the only operation logs I see are

I assume there should be a way to add the create operation on the task level.
Are there any settings/configurations to make sure that all the operation logs are visible/created?

Steps to Produce

  1. create a simple process with a user task
  2. start the process via rest api Start Process Instance |


  1. create operation was not added on task creation
  2. If I unclaim the task assign operation is added as expected
  3. If I claim the task again, claim operation is added as expected

Hey @apatil, thanks for your question. I’ll have a go at answering
this one based on my understanding but will be happy to be corrected as I am not totally confident about the answer!

I believe you are looking at the user operation log, as documented:

Operations are logged when the operation is performed in the context of a logged in user.

As the name implies, this feature logs user operations, not the internal operations of the Camunda engine (as it rattles through your process instance). I suspect that you, as a user, are not explicitly invoking the “create user task” API operation. Instead, Camunda is automatically creating the user task for you as part of the process instance execution. Hence, you won’t see anything in this user operation log for “create”, only the operations you performed as a logged in user (claim, assign).

Hopefully that makes sense!

Hi @apatil,

The CREATE operation is logged only when a task is created on-the-fly and not for tasks generated by the Camunda engine itself (User tasks of the BPMN model are created by the engine). As @herrier mentioned, this feature tracks user operations rather than the internal operations of the Camunda engine. Therefore, creating a task on-the-fly via the Camunda API will log the CREATE operation under the user who initiates the API call.

Find below the API to create on-the-fly task
Camunda API Documentation - Create Task

@herrier and @hassang
Yes, you are correct. I am not explicitly invoking the “create user task”.
It does make sense that the user-operations won’t log it.

Thank you for explaining.