Hello there! I have the simple bpmn like this:
My problem is Cockpit doesn’t show current step. For example, I tried the delegates code:
@Component("TestCamundaApiDelegate") public class TestCamundaApiDelegate implements JavaDelegate { @Override public void execute(DelegateExecution delegateExecution) throws Exception { log.info("TestCamundaApiDelegate has started!"); Thread.sleep(30000L); } } @Component("TestCamundaApiDelegate2") public class TestCamundaApiDelegate2 implements JavaDelegate { @Override public void execute(DelegateExecution delegateExecution) throws Exception { log.info("TestCamundaApiDelegate2 has started!"); Thread.sleep(30000L); } }
And in the console I can see sequential delegates call after 30s delay, but I can’t see this in Camunda Cockpit. Why?