Our workflows work like this:
Main workflow runs some tasks, then it calls a sub workflow which runs some tasks. While the sub workflow is running we have the main workflow be paused, then once the sub workflow finishes the main one continues.
So basically:
Main workflow runs some tasks ----pauses and calls----> sub workflow which runs some tasks
----sub workflow finishes----> main workflow resumes
The issue is we need the number in the below image to be “2” and not 1". After making our sub workflows be “asynchronous”, we were able to get “2” to appear (which we want), however it breaks the code / causes errors. We normally only get “1” to appear because the main workflow is “asynchronous” but our sub workflows are not ‘asynchronous’. We have confirmed that a workflow being asynchronous is required for workflows to display as running in the camunda cockpit, but we have been told based on us having main and sub workflows that we can’t make our sub workflows be asynch (not sure if this is actually impossible).
Not only are workflows not appearing in the cockpit unless they are asynchronous, they don’t appear in the process instance count when we call the camunda API “/process-instance/count”. This only gives results for workflows that are asynchronous, which is wrong. If 2 workflows are running, then the count should be given as 2. Since we are calling a Camunda engine on a different machine to run the sub workflows, we have no choice but to resort to using API calls to count the number of running workflows, instead of calling them like this in Java (it gives null pointer exception if the engine isn’t on the same computer):
ProcessEngineService processEngineService = BpmPlatform.getProcessEngineService();
processEngine = processEngineService.getProcessEngine(engineUrl);
taskInstances = processEngine.getTaskService().createTaskQuery().active().list();
taskCount = taskInstances.size();
Main workflow = asynchronous before + exclusive
Sub workflow = not async or exclusive (which is causing them to not appear in cockpit)
Can this please be fixed so that Camunda still displays even non asynchronous workflows that are currently running? if a workflow is running, then it’s running, regardless of if it’s asynch or not.
We either need this fixed or we need to know what asynch/exclusive/before/after settings are needed to both not break our code but also display in the cockpit.