Compensation itself is currently performed by concurrent executions. The concurrent executions are started in reverse order to which the compensated activities completed. Future versions of activity might include an option to perform compensation sequentially.
Compensation is not propagated to sub process instances spawned by call activities
Could anyone clarify when this limitations will be dropped? Is there any roadmap for adding mentioned features in Camunda releases?
And maybe have you got a list of all Camunda’s limitations for BPMN 2.0 standard?
As far as I can see, the things you mention are not on the list. Furthermore, none of the issues is currently scheduled for a release (see Fix Version column).
There is no such list. Your best bet is to go through the docs (things that are not implemented according to spec should be documented) and/or test the things that are important to you.
As I see lots of issues are waiting for resolving (include mine CAM-9161). Are going to improve your performance for resolving issues in near future? Might you (Camunda team) need for help?
You are right that there are a lot of things to do. Out of those we have to choose for every release what we are going to build in the Camunda team. In general, we prioritize those issues that are requested by our customers or where we see that they would benefit a large number of users.
There are two ways how you can directly influence this:
Should you work for a Camunda enterprise customer, you can raise a support ticket and request us to prioritize a certain issue.
You can implement a feature or bug fix yourself and contribute it as a pull request on github. We are always happy to receive contributions and can also give you pointers on how to approach a problem.