Configure spin plugin programmatically in spring

How to configure the below spin plugin programmatically in Spring to default process engine?

  <process-engine name="default">

Create an instance of the plugin and add it to the processEngineConfiguration#getProcessEnginesPlugin list.

Thanks @jangalinski.

Do we have already working example/implementation available. It would be helpful.

I have added Spin plugin like below, i hope it wont reset other process engine plugins which was created by application by default while bootstrap.

  public SpringProcessEngineConfiguration processEngineConfiguration() {
    SpringProcessEngineConfiguration engineConfiguration = new SpringProcessEngineConfiguration();
    engineConfiguration.getProcessEnginePlugins().add(new SpinProcessEnginePlugin());
    return engineConfiguration;

Is that also required to configure below configurations? I hope the below config not required. Because default process engine should take care of initialization of below. I was just adding Spin plugin to default process engine configuration

  public ProcessEngineFactoryBean processEngine() {
    ProcessEngineFactoryBean factoryBean = new ProcessEngineFactoryBean();
    return factoryBean;

  public RepositoryService repositoryService(ProcessEngine processEngine) {
    return processEngine.getRepositoryService();

  public RuntimeService runtimeService(ProcessEngine processEngine) {
    return processEngine.getRuntimeService();

  public TaskService taskService(ProcessEngine processEngine) {
    return processEngine.getTaskService();
... other beans config