Correlate a message to event-based gateway

I’m trying to correlate a workflow instance, where token is on an event-based gateway. (Camunda Platform 7.16.0)

Started the instance via

    "processVariables" : {
        "ownerId" : {"value" : "123", "type": "String"}

I use the REST API and just send the following

    "correlationKeys" : {
        "ownerId" : {"value" : "123", "type": "String"}

Receiving this:

    "type": "RestException",
    "message": "org.camunda.bpm.engine.MismatchingMessageCorrelationException: Cannot correlate message 'msg_stop_offboarding': No process definition or execution matches the parameters"

Found this old incident. But i think this should be resolved now.
What am i doing wrong?

OK, already found it :upside_down_face:

In the start-message i should have used just “variables” instead of “processVariables” :flushed:

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