We are experiencing the following issue with an embedded camunda workflow engine running on SQL Server.
Below is the process model (To make things easier I have numbered the components and refer to them using their numbers in the description)
- 6 starts a process that does some work and sents out a message/event.
- When we attempt to correlate the message/event to the process instance, the event subcription for 8 & 9 is NOT yet created in this table `dbo.ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR`.
- A few miliseconds later we find it there.
Findings so far:
1. When async after is on for 6, the creation of the event subcription for 8 & 9 is delayed enough to exhibit the behaviour above.
1. When async after is off for 6, the event subcription is created before we attempt to correlate.
Note: This happens consistenly for each process instance.
I want to keep the async after on for 6 since its a logical unit of work, however because of this issue I cannot.
I would like help in answering the questions below:
1. What causes this behaviour?
2. In the docs, its metioned that the parallel sequence flows from a parallel gateway are actually executed sequentially:
3.1. What rules are applied to choose which branch/flow gets executed first?
3.2. Is the entire branch executed or just first node of each outgoing sequence flow from a parallel gateway?
3. Has anyone had this issue before and what was their fix?