Deploy modified resource to existing process

I am trying to modify bpmn file and deploy the modified bpmn to existing process.
Process contains below deployments:

When i do POST of invoice.v2.bpmn, process engine with new revision is created, But I am unable to create any instance from it. Please help.

Do you see the process in cockpit?
What exactly happens when your try to start it?

Yes able to see the process the process in cockpit.
When I try to start the process, the window keeps on goin on…

Can you upload the bpmn file?

Please find it attached
invoice.v2.bpmn (15.8 KB)

This is the same BPMN which comes with default camunda distribution

Below is the deployment screenshot

Issue is resolved, But now I am facing another issue where, I have new Version or process definition is created by using deployment-create rest services, but i am unable to create the Instance of the process without server restart. Any help please. Thanks.

Hello there, If anyone listening, Please help.

Can you me much more specific?
How are you starting the process?
are there any errors in the log?
What exactly happens when you try to start the process?