Deploy to a production server

Hi, @Niall

I would like you to help me in my implementing project to production or guide me how to do it, please.

For the project it generates files with a .jar extension with the help of Git v2.29.2.3, I want to paste these files on a linux server and execute them as .jar files with the command: Java -jar “namejar” .jar THIS IS GOOD ??

I have doubts how to make the connection with the database or what do I need to do to make the connection?

In camunda Admin, I have the configuration of users, groups, permissions, restrictions, assignments, etc, etc, this I when generating the .jar files all that configuration is integrated?

Below I detail everything I use for development:
• Java v8.0
• Eclipse IDE for Java Developers - 2020-09
• Spring Tool 3 (Standalone Edition) 3.9.14 RELEASE
• Spring Tools 3 Add-On for Spring Tools 4 3.9.16 CI

• Apache Maven 3.6.3
• Camunda-modeler v4.2.0
• Spring Boot v2.1.2.RELEASE

For the Database part:

  • MariaDB v10.4.17
  • HeidiSQL v11.0.0.5919
  • MySQL Workbench-community V8.0.22

My project has to live on a server, this server is a Linux virtual machine specifically Linux centOS 7,
it has installed:
• Java v8.0
• Apache Maven v3.6.1
• MariaDB v10.1.43
• Apache v2.4.6
• Tomcat v8.5.28

Please, I would greatly appreciate your help or any comments on the subject. If you need to know more information, I will gladly share it with you.

I hope your help.

Hi @MarioH ,

I don’t belive, that you will get much help installing your system. This is way out of scope for this forum in general. Also which Components to use is up to you. Anyway, I have some links you might find helpful when using Camunda and going towards production:

Best reagards,

hi, @cnfg

Thanks for your answer, read what you share.

Thanks a lot.