Deploying BPMN files using. API

Is bpmn files bundled in a zip file supported for deployment using the deployment api?

I tried addzipinputstream method on DeplymentBuilder and it not seem to do anything


Deploying a zip file is not supported. You can add multiple files individually to a deployment though.

I know its too old to catchup with this coversation. Yet, I tried with below solution.

Yes, It worked for me. So posting it, thinking it will help someone in the community to work with .zip archive deployments in Camunda v7.18.

If you have the same use case you can try out the same approach and post here incase you face any challenges.

                    .addZipInputStream(new ZipInputStream(file.getInputStream()))

Hi @Rajamohan_Raju

As i said in the previous thread please don’t duplicate you questions and waking up old threads. Can you just create a new topic please?