Deployment Event (ExecutionListener)

I’m trying to use a new DelegateListener to catch and notify for a deployment of a process, but i can’t find what event is thrown when process is deployed.
As example in camunda we can use ExecutionListener and we can be notified for the start event of ExecutionListener start. or in TaskListener we had created and completed task.

How can we externalise our logic from the parseProcess in the BpmnParseListener ?

Is there any way to do the same as executionListener with End event, where we can add a Listener triggered when and EVENTNAME_END is fired ?
What is the equivalent for ProcessDeployed ?

example : activity.addExecutionListener(ExecutionListener.EVENTNAME_END, progressLoggingExecutionListener);

You need to create a parse listener for Parse Process:

Thank you for your response,

I tried parseProcess and parseRootElement, the parse is triggred on a deployement Event but not the EventListener.
addStartEventListener(processDefinition) does not work for parseProcess
In other way i could make all my logic in the parseProcess to catch the deployement event, but i prefer to catch it in an ExecutionListener Delegate.