Displaying details on FORM using the values from JSON response (obtained from Http Connector)

Now below mentioned error is coming:

Cannot submit task form 71380f23-99ad-11e6-8244-d43d7ec7ada1: Unable to evaluate script: sun.org.mozilla.javascript.internal.EvaluatorException: invalid return (#3) in at line number 3

Remove the return. Sorry for the confusion. was typing on my phone :slight_smile:
Just have

var productid = execution.getVariable("productId");
var url = "http://abc/"+productid+ "?responseFormat=json";

Here is a working sample:

CollectCatalogInfo - v2.bpmn (5.9 KB)

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Hi Stephen,

Thanx for the solutionā€¦Its workingā€¦
Although I found an alternative script alsoā€¦

writing this only in inline script will also suffice :slight_smile:


Glad it worked out. :thumbsup: