DMN Client Side (Form calling DMN thought API) and Server Side (BPMN calling DMN) Evals

Thinking about DMN and looking at how you could be doing client side and server side evals.

The use case i am working through in my head is a pricing table.
A pricing table with multiple inputs. In this Proof of concept (assuming no one has a pattern for this already?), is you have angular hit the POST /decision-definition/{id}/evaluate, api from the client/form to calculate a price based on the inputs from other fields in the form. The price form field would be read only and populated by the output of the DMN.

Once the form is successfully submitted, we would want to re-eval the inputs to re-determine/validate the price. If price determined on client side does not match the server side/BPMN eval of the DMN then Business Error would occur.


Hi Stephen
Thats how I see it. Its the untrusted client problem. You have to validate submissions server-side, but you need client side validation for the user experience.

