Docs on which delegate execution methods are available at which stages of task execution?

Came across a scenario where a user task’s Task ID was wanted for a script in a input mapping; but when you would do execution.getCurrentActivityId() you get null because its not fully initialized yet (?), so the same script had to be moved into a execution listener.

Is there any docs that show which methods / properties are populated at which stages of the execution?

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You would probably need to go through the Javadocs on the Java API to get an answer.

One thing I did was create a Groovy script that attempt to print every delegate execution method that I could find. Then you can stick it wherever you need and have it print everything out. This would give a “map” of what was available at each activity.

You might even consider creating a dummy process with as many activities in it that you can configure and run the script as a listener or in the activity itself.