Documentation for DataStoreReference

Hey guys…

I’ve been looking for any kind of documentation of how to use DataStoreReferences (available in the modeler).

In what situations can I use it ? How to configure it ? Can I either read or write data ? Can I create queries ? How to define fields ?


Thanks !!!

Hi @fcordova,

Data Store elements are not executed by the Camunda engine. When using the Camunda modeler, they are rather intended to be used for documentation purposes.

You can check the BPMN implementation reference for more information:

Cheers, Ben

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Hi @benhoffmann,

This should probably mentioned with a tooltip/info message in the modeler. I’ve assumed for quite some time that I can create a connection to an external datastore using this.


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It’s best that you don’t try to assume too much about how Camunda and the BPMN symbols work. You may end up with unexpected behavior.

We clearly document which elements of the BPMN standard are implemented as well as how to implemented them. In order to avoid creating someone that may not work you should always read the documentation first.

Thanks @Niall. I’m new to this ecosystem and learning as I go. I agree that the documentation of Camunda is much better than many opensource softwares/libraries.


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I also didnt thought that these are “just” for documentation because every object already has a “documentation” field and you can still add notations.