It looks like that Camunda donnot support them as some states are not supported
It’s certainly possible. what’s the use case?
I found no api provided by CaseService or TaskService.How can I find them?Thank you so much!
Thanks for your help. I am a beginer to learn Camunda. Actually I try to use Camunda to trace what happened in the past in a pointed workflow.There are many tasks will be skipped or repeated. I want to simulate them in my Java programs.
You can find out what happened in a give process by using the History Service.
I don’t think there’s any reasons to skip tasks if you’re just looking at histortical data.
The reason to redo or skip a a task is that the workers may forget to finish tasks or just they have to do tasks repeatly. My program want to simulate the worker’s behavior or allows the worker choose to redo or skip a task, but the CaseService just allows me to complete or disable a task.
I probably should have asked this a while ago - but…
are you talking about CMMN or BPMN?
do you have any models you can upload so i can have a better idea about what you’re trying to achieve?
is your intention to “test” the process/case or simulate user interactoin?
thanks for your help!
- I try to use CMMN and Drools
- Sorry, there is no model because I plan to do it in the next step. What I want to do is that if a user received a tasklist, he or she could decide the tasks which will be done and which will be skipped.For example, if Task B required Task A, most of the times, user will finish Task A at first but sometimes they may skipped Task A because they forget to do them or there are some unexpected problems. Program should allow users to skip Task A and coutinue to do Task B.
- I want to simulate user interactoin. There are a lot of history data about doctor’s order, patient’s labtests, patient’s vital signs etc. I try to simulate user interactoin based on doctor’s order and found which task usually will be skipped and why it was skipped by doctors
This is all possible through the CMMN notation - it’ll be really useful to have a read of that.
for instance to achieve what you want with regard to… [quote=“YoungYZX, post:11, topic:3521”]
For example, if Task B required Task A, most of the times, user will finish Task A at first but sometimes they may skipped Task A because they forget to do them or there are some unexpected problems
You would model that as follows:
Counld you show me an example written by Java? Skip Task A and continue to do Task B.Thank you!
It’s simple enough, you can programatically skip the task by completing is.
I think it cannot solve the issue perfectly as the Task A will be marked as COMPLETED but not SKIPEED.
If we review the history data, we couldn’t distinguish whether Task A is finished or skipped.The most important reason I choose camunda is that it support CMMN, and CMMN allows skipping a task.This is not the same as I thought.
You can of course use exit criteria to end a task by using a sentry.
Thank you.There are still some problems need to be solved.Maybe I should develp an extension to help solve them.