Dragging Task boxes in different Pool/Participants?

Consider this case, Camunda Modeler 0.6.0, Ubuntu 14.04 (I’m still a new user, so I have only one image per post, so this one as a link here):

Here I have task boxes a1, a2 in one Pool/Participant, and boxes b1, b2, b3 in a second Pool/Participant. I would like to select ax with its end event, b3 and b2, and drag them all together - so that the relative position between them is preserved - on order to make space for yet another task box between b1 and b2.

However, when I try to do that, Camunda refuses to acknowledge it, and snaps the boxes back to their original position; see this gif:

Strangely, this does not happen if I select only boxes from a single Pool/Participant (i.e. if I select b2 and b3 and drag them, the drag is acknowledged since their new position is kept).

So is it possible to drag a selection of boxes across different Pool/Participant tracks? If not, does this have something to do with the BPMN spec?

Hi @sdtemp,

apparently this happens when a message flow is part of a selection, which is clearly a bug. I created a bug issue for this on GitHub, so we can start investigating the problem.

Did you also try the space tool? This could be an alternative in your case:

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Hi @pedesen,

Many thanks for the prompt reply!

Good to know - I am not all that familiar with the BPMN spec, so I thought at first I may have bumped into something I didn’t understand right in the spec… Thanks for opening the issue, too!

No I haven’t - I completely forgot about it! :) It looks like it does exactly what I want, so thanks for that suggestion too…


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