Duplicate Delegate Executions


Using Camunda Spring Boot Starter
We are seeing multiple instances of a Java Delegate Execution fire for the same job.

Essentially we have a conditional wait which is opened by a separate event setting a flag via an end event listener groovy script.

We then see two events delegates handling the same job?

example.bpmn (14.2 KB)

Hi @dylan.hamilton,

could you specify a bit clearer what is happening in the process, where the error occurs and what your desired behaviour is?


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So no error - we are just seeing the same process job being executed by two separate delegate executions.

Event A starts a process - hits a conditional wait (waits for event B to set a flag)
Event B comes in and sets a flag which releases event A
Event A hits a service task which has a java delegate behind it.

We are seeing that delegate execute twice instead of once.

Also we are running two processing engines on two separate boxes - so

Does that help?
