When creating a multi instance user task, duplicate instances are created for each element in the collection list.
Any help will be great!
When creating a multi instance user task, duplicate instances are created for each element in the collection list.
Any help will be great!
Hi Askar,
Please find my process definition attached to this email.
test1-multiuserapproval - Copy.bpmn (14.7 KB)
Hi Community,
any solution on this. I ran in the same issue.
I’m starting a process with a service task leading into a user task. Once I start the process, the service task gets executed once, however I have then two different task ids waiting at my user task.
If I want to close the first user task I get a strange exception on complete.
List<Task> tasks = taskService.createTaskQuery()
for ( int i=0; i<tasks.size();i++) {
System. out .println("Task Name " + i + " " + tasks.get(i).getName());
System. out .println("Task Id " + i + " " + tasks.get(i).getId());
System. out .println("Task ExecId " + i + " " + tasks.get(i).getExecutionId());
System. out .println("Task Parent " + i + " " + tasks.get(i).getParentTaskId());
condition expression returns non-Boolean: result has class java.lang.String and not java.lang.Boolean",
can you upload your process model?
Hi Niall,
this is what I have as a mock BPMN. It does not go pass the first user task.
Thank you for your help.
flow_minimal.bpmn (10.6 KB)
The problem is with a rouge sequence flow. It’s producing 2 tokens after the service task because 2 sequence flows are leaving it. Removing the extra flow will fix the problem
Huch. Thank you that fixed the issue with the user instances!
However I still get the exception when I want to complete the user task. Any idea why that could be?
List<Task> tasks = taskService.createTaskQuery()
for (int i=0; i<tasks.size();i++) {
Well im not sure exactly if it’s the cause - but you’ve got a syntax problem with your expression on your gateway
Should actually just be something like
Spot on. I had another modelling error and the wrong expression in the gate.
I changed it to ${true} and ${false} for testing purposes and it worked. magnificent.
Many thanks for your help!