Embedded forms not being found in deployment


I am working with the user forms and somehow they are not working. I’m deploying these through SpringProcessEngineConfiguration.setDeploymentResources(). I am verifying in Camunda admin and I can see the deployment is there. Please see the attachment.

Screenshot from 2021-06-07 20-11-17

But when I’m trying to get this form in the user task, the process cannot find it.

This is how I set the form key: embedded:deployment:create-frame-contract.html

If instead of that, I put the absolute path like this: embedded:deployment:/path/to/file/create-frame-contract.html it works.

Can you please help me with some advice? Is there a way to set the path to forms in the process engine config?

Thank you

Hello @Luci_Torjoc ,

it looks like the forms have a context /forms/, I would suggest to also add this context to the form key.

Hope this helps


Hi @jonathan.lukas

Thank you for the response. I have added that also and it’s still not working.

I get the same message.


Hello @Luci_Torjoc ,

usually, when working with spring-boot, I do not deploy forms. Rather, I will add a marker file in src/main/resources/META-INF/processes.xml which is empty.
Then, I can create the folder src/main/resources/static/forms where I can store all the html forms I need.

I will then reference them with a form key like: embedded:app:forms/create-order.html

This form key will make the tasklist look up the form in the static resources of my application.

Hope this helps


Yes, I understand what you are saying.

But do you think is there a way of using this embedded forms with the relative context path?

I have to use “deployment” instead of “app”. And it works if I put the absolute path.

Isn’t there any way of configuring this path in the process engine bean config?

Hello @Luci_Torjoc ,

unfortunalety, this is off the roads I know. Maybe @Niall or @Ingo_Richtsmeier can help here.


Hi @Luci_Torjoc,

I haven’t used a subfolder in my deployments so far.

From my experience, if you skip the folder in the deployment, you can refer them with your form key.

Hope this helps, Ingo

Hi @Ingo_Richtsmeier,

Thank you for your input. I’ve tried without the subfolder and it is the same. It works only with absolute path.

Do you have any other idea?