Embedded Subprocess to parent user task does not happen

I have the attached process in which , the parent process calls the Embedded Subprocess multiple times based on a counter and then finally there is a user task to collate the response from each iteration and then send email.

For some reason the process does not return to the parent user task after completing the multi-instance Embedded Subprocess . Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

Global Process.bpmn (50.3 KB)

Can someone help on this request please


Hi Ben, we meet in one of the trainings in Chennai. Can you please help with this issue if possible ?

Hi @kannan,

since your company has an Enterprise License, you can always open support tickets in our Jira. This way, we can ensure that someone gets in touch with you about your issues as fast as possible and also that we are able to provide the best possible support that you can get for specific problems.

For your issue, I think it would help to take a look into the container log file. If you don’t feel comfortable with sharing this on the public forum, please open a ticket in Jira. The model looks OK, based on my first impression.


Thanks Ben will open a ticket

@kannan based on your image (assuming you are showing the issue as perceived); when you run multi-instance, all instances of the mulit-instance must complete before moving on to the parent process. So if you started the multi-instance with 10 items in the transactionCount, then it will need to complete the 10 instances before it will move on.

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