Equivalent to input values for integers

For strings it is possible to define ‘input values’ which limits the domain of that variable to these values.
Is something similar possible for integers? For example setting it so that the domain of the integers is limited from 0 to 100.

This would be useful for an application where I want to automatically optimize variables based on a DMN table, so that I need to have defined domains for every variable.

Where are you defining this enum (in the string condition)?
This is being done as part of a Form constraint?

I am defining it in the camunda modeller, when manually building a DMN table.
Not as a specific constrain (or at least not explicitely), but just by typing the allowed values in the entry box below where you select the data type.

In XML code it translates to this:

<input id="input1" label="StringWithAllowedValues">
    <inputExpression id="inputExpression1" typeRef="string">
    <inputValues id="UnaryTests_0bh74xs">

There is nothing in your example

*adjusted the post so the xml is visible now