Error installing service-invocation-synchronous example


I’m try installing this example.
I make a bpmn based on this: and deploy to camunda.
I compile the project using mvn package and copy jar to /camunda/modules/org/camunda/quickstart/servicetask/invocation/sync/main/ . I make the module.xml:

But when I run the service task, display this error:
An error happened while submitting the task form : Cannot submit task form 11fe78bb-8ad8-11ea-af14-0242c0a81007: ENGINE-09008 Exception while instantiating class ‘org.camunda.quickstart.servicetask.invocation.sync.SynchronousServiceTask’: ENGINE-09017 Cannot load class ‘org.camunda.quickstart.servicetask.invocation.sync.SynchronousServiceTask’: org.camunda.quickstart.servicetask.invocation.sync.SynchronousServiceTask from [Module “deployment.camunda-webapp-jboss-7.12.0.war” from Service Module Loader]

You can help me?