The following exception is thrown while suspending a workflow if there is already a workflow running with the same business key.
[jobexecutor]-[146 ]-ENGINE-14006 Exception while executing job f6252c2b-b0e2-11ea-33c1-acde42531179: org.camunda.bpm.engine.SuspendedEntityInteractionException: ENGINE-03043 Execution with id ‘7a780bc3-b0f2-11ea-33c1-acde42531179’ is suspended.
Our service is listening to workflow process start event
@EventListener(condition = "#delegateExecution.eventName=='start' && #delegateExecution.getBpmnModelElementInstance() instanceof T(org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance.StartEvent) && #delegateExecution.getParentId() == null")
public void onWorkflowStart(DelegateExecution delegateExecution) throws Exception {
if (isProcessStartEvent(delegateExecution)) {
private boolean isProcessStartEvent(DelegateExecution delegateExecution) {
return ((StartEvent) delegateExecution.getBpmnModelElementInstance()).getIncoming().isEmpty() && delegateExecution.getActivityInstanceId() == null;
If there is a workflow already running for a given business key, the next workflow is suspended in the beginning
Camunda is throwing the following exception org.camunda.bpm.engine.SuspendedEntityInteractionException. Wrapping the above two lines with try/catch block didn’t work as well, it looks like it’s caught inside Camunda Engine code.
Second workflow is suspended as expected, but exception is printed on the console.