Experiencing Significant Delay in Retrieving Task Details from APIs

If I understand your issue correctly, the 20-second delay occurs due to various API calls and the necessary wait time for tasks to appear in the Tasks search feature.

Currently, the search endpoint only delivers tasks a few seconds after creation. This is per-design, as Camunda 8 operates as a distributed system relying less on transactions to ensure high availability in Zeebe. However, it does result in a compromise, data consistency across different components is eventually achieved.

Efforts are underway to enhance this. For more information, please refer to this response in a related topic: Camunda 8: Searching for Active Tasks.

As alternative approaches, consider the following options:

  • Utilize a custom exporter (see Exporters | Camunda 8 Docs), which enables building applications in a more event-driven manner.
  • Embrace reactive programming and utilize promises for long-running API calls.
  • For retrieving process instance keys, Zeebe can provide them synchronously upon starting a process instance.
  • When fetching variables from the task list, do you have some response time metrics? Are there a high number of variables or variables with large sizes contributing to the delay? You can maybe specify in the query only the variables names that you really need.

Best regards,

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