Export and import groups and authorizations

We are creating users, groups and authorizations using the Admin web app. Is there a way to export these from one environment and import them into another? Kind of painful and error prone doing this by hand.


Hi @Chuck_Irvine
I do not think there is out of the box ability to export/import users. One of the possible approaches is to use database’s backup/restore tool. Users are stored in ACT_ID_USER and groups are in ACT_ID_GROUP . Assignments of users to groups are in ACT_ID_MEMBERSHIP and authorizations in ACT_RU_AUTHORIZATION. I would give it a try and test if it works fine.

Another approach would be to automate user creation and use JAVA API to automate it.

Thanks for the reply, Alex. I may go the Java API route. Meanwhile, it’s not too bad doing things manually.