External Task Client not picking up tasks

Following this tutorial,

After starting a process instance, the process is stuck at the first state as it should. I can see the External Task instance with the name emailListener getting created (in cockpit view).

But then the client is not picking up the task and not working on it.

here is my bpmn
testExternal2.bpmn (3.8 KB)


What do you see when you start up the client?

Did you subscribe task client to your topics? I mean something like this:

                .baseUrl(/*Camunda enpoint here*/)
                .lockDuration(1000) //1s
                .handler((task,service) -> { /*your logic here*/})

I got it fixed. It was actually error in the datatype mismatch in setting variable to execution. Since I was not able to see any error in console, I thought external task is not getting picked up.