Failed to activate jobs for worker

Yes, we tested an example above in this topic where we launch a process and REST is executed, SMTP is not.

Unfortunately I don’t have an answer. The issue seems to be with these particular Connectors, but they are third party Connectors; I would suggest opening an issue in their GitHub repository.

Hi, the connector did not work due to missing secrets connectors. How to use connector secrets in Camunda 8 Self Managed?? Adding to pod variables doesn’t work.

@krysanov.as89 - have you looked through the documentation on Connector secrets? If yes, can you share what you tried so we can troubleshoot?

I’m also curious how you identified this as the cause of the issues! How did you find that it was the secrets?

We tried adding secrets to ENV and then counting them, it didn’t work. What other ways? We found the problem experimentally. Custom connectors freeze expecting to receive secrets that are not there - despite the fact that the login password is specified in the connector.

I tried

export SUPER_SECRETS_MY_SECRET='foo' # This will be resolved by using {{ secrets.MY_SECRET }}```
but the connector does not see secrets when accessed {{ secrets.MY_SECRET }}

there is such a secret