Form field validation start event

Ya so your issue is you are using the wrong start command

when you have form validation constraints you need to use the /submit-form endpoint


    "variables": {
        "first_name": {
            "value": "a",
            "type": "String"
        "priority": {
            "value": 22,
            "type": "Integer"
    "type": "RestException",
    "message": "Cannot instantiate process definition minlength:3:9fdfd834-43c7-11e8-91b5-0242ac130002: Invalid value submitted for form field 'first_name': validation of minlength(2) failed."

which uses your validation constraints.

you need to be using the Form Service when using the Java API:

Start with Form Submission:,%20java.util.Map)

User Task Submission:,%20java.util.Map)

you can also take a look at: Form Server Validations: Generic Form Validator using Javascript which will give you more control over validations

For ref: