FROM camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:tomcat-latest Log to Standard Out / Console

Simplest method to change logging from files to stdout / console when running the container

I hope this is a simple question. I can capture stdout from docker into logs, but reaching into a running container is more difficult. Is there a simple configuration change I can add as I build from camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:tomcat-latest to make the logs go to standard out?

I have read the documentation, but even the simplest sentences like " Add a file named logback.xml" leads to a dozen questions like “…and where do I put this file???” I create the file, put it in camunda/conf, and nothing happens… Obviously, there is more to this than simply creating a file, or I am putting the file in the wrong location.

I would edit the file, but I don’t know where that came from, what the dependencies are, or how to edit it for stdout. Honestly, I have read the documentation and googled for a long time. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thank you!