Where is located the Event Parallel Gateway?

Hi everyone here. Delving into BPMN and downloaded the Modeler after reading the Real Life BPMN book.

Minor question: where can I access the Event Based Parallel Gateway? After choosing the exclusive gateway from the palette and clicking the wrench icon, the only options are Parallel gateway, Inclusive gateway, Complex gateway and the XOR Event Based Gateway (the pentagon one). Can’t see the Parallel Event Based Gateway and as far as I know I shouldn’t be using the usual Parallel gateway to start a process because of the lack of correlation.

Is it located somewhere else or it has merely been excluded from the Modeler?


Perhaps look at the BPMN coverage here [1]

If you mean the multiple parallel, then it appears its not yet implemented by the engine.

[1] https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.5/reference/bpmn20/



I see. Given that I’m not using the process engine for now, so I can use the typical Parallel gateway without much consequences. Thanks for the response and the link.